The Human Aura

by admin | November 28, 2019 3:43 pm

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The Human Aura

  Subtle bio-magnetic energy field surrounding the body called the ‘Aura

The people of ancient cultures knew and understood that the human body, beyond its physical form, has a pulsing, dynamic field of energy. In Sanskrit this subtle-energy field is called kosas (body sheaths ), while in modern complementary medicine it is known as the biomagnetic energy field or aura.

The word Aura was derived from a Greek word ‘Avra’ meaning ‘breeze’.  The aura consists of seven layers that correlate to the seven majors chakras. These layers begin with the seen (the physical body) and progress to the more subtle refined vibrations as we go further away from the physical.

All auras are different and changes constantly as our thoughts,  moods,  environment  and health change.  Auric damage and depletion may be caused by ill health, negative thought patterns, environmental pollutants, bad dietary habits, addictive substances and stress.  Auric imbalances cause a loss of vitality that weakens the energy field. Energy blockages appear as dark areas in the aura.

Auric Layers


Each Auric layer has its own function and energy awareness. Alternate layers of the Aura are either fixed or moving. The first, third, fifth and seventh layers are fixed and the second, fourth and sixth layers are moving.

First Layer

The Etheric : This is the level closest to the physical body. It is an exact fixed copy of thephysical body and is pale blue or light grey.  It has pin points of light within it and moves rapidly and holds memories of the physical body’s formation.

Second Layer

The Emotional : This layer relates to our emotions and is a constant mass of swirling mass of changing colours that change as our emotions change.

Third Layer

The Mental Body :  This layer relates to the mental body energy and is a fixed layer of yellow that holds our thought processes.

Fourth Layer

The Heart : The fourth layer relates to our heart energy and appears as pastel colours and when fully developed, as a pastel rainbow.

 Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Layers

The Spiritual  : These layers relates to our Spiritual development and appear as  bright blue, gold and silvery blue to shimmering gold in colour. These layers are not easily observable in most people.

The General  Meanings of Aura colours


Money worries or obsessions, anger or unforgiveness, anxiety or nervousness.


Bright and Light : Joy, Love, Purity and compassion; new or revived romantic relationship.Can also indicate Clairaudience.                                                                   Dark and Murky : Immature and/or dishonest nature


Outgoing social nature, very people orientated; highly sexual nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and additions (food, alcohol, drugs etc) can also indicate an extremely creative and artistic person and/or a person of great passion and extremely intense emotions.


Light or pale yellow : Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness, optimism and hopefulness, positive excitement about new ideas.

Bright lemon yellow : Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect and/or power.

Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright:  Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.

Dark brownish yellow gold : A student or one who is straining at studying; overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for lost time by learning all at once.


‘Electric’ bright emerald green :   A Healer (may be a professional healer, a natural healer, or one who is unaware of his or her healing abilities) “Healing Hands” usually have an emerald-green aura around the fingertips. Also indicates a love-centered person.

Dark and muddy forest green : (The color has no light or dim lighting) Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self and others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding of personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism. 


Light Blue :   Intuitive, expressive, truthful, may enjoy a career involving communication.

Bright royal blue :  Clairvoyant, highly spiritual nature, generous, on the right path, new opportunities are coming.

Dark or muddy blue :  Fear of the future, fear of self-expression, fear of facing or speaking the truth.


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